User guide – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual
Page 46

Correct and Incorrect Control Surface Movement
Verifying Correct Control Surfaces Movement (Fixed Wing)
In addition to making sure that your radio sticks move the control surfaces in the correct direction, you also
must ensure that the Vector’s stabilizer moves the surfaces in the right direction to keep the model in level
To make sure the stabilizer is correctly moving the control surfaces, first select either a 2D or 3D flight mode. If
you are using a gain knob, make sure the gain is turned up enough to have an effect.
Then, pitch, roll and yaw the model as shown in the figure below. As you move the model, the surfaces should
move to COUNTERACT (fight) the movement you’ve made, as shown in the figure. If your surfaces don’t move
in the correct direction, something has gone wrong with your setup. Most likely, servo directions will need to
be changed in your radio programming. Make sure you rerun the Receiver Analysis Wizard after changing any
servo directions.
Do not fly your model if the control surfaces are not moving in the correct direction. Doing so will
result in loss of control and a crash!
Confirming ESC Endpoints are set Correctly (Multirotor only)
For correct multirotor operation, all of your ESC endpoints must be set the same, so that the idle throttle
setting causes each motor to spin at the same speed, and so that the full range of your throttle is utilized by
the ESCs.
Consult the manual for your ESCs to determine how to set endpoints, and set them all the same.
Make sure your ESC endpoints are set correctly! If they are not, the motors could spin at different
speeds, or at high speed, when armed!