User guide, 4 vector receiver harness – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual

Page 19

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Note that the voltage supplied to the red wire of the “Camera/Mic” power input connector “D” on the

video harness will be supplied to the red wire on the “Microphn” audio harness connector.

3.5.4 Vector Receiver Harness

The Receiver Harness is used to connect the Vector to the outputs of your receiver. The pin-out for the
Receiver Harness is shown below.

Do not power your receiver with a voltage higher than 16V.

The Vector does not power your receiver or servos. You will need to power your receiver and servos

as you would in a non-Vector model, such as with a stand-alone BEC, a BEC built into your ESC, or a separate

battery pack.
Whatever power is provided to your receiver will be routed through the Vector to your servos. Whatever

power is provided by an ESC’s BEC will be routed through the Vector to your receiver and servos.
You can alternatively use the 5 volt tap from the PSU (if not being used to power a 5 volt camera or video TX) to

power your receiver on multirotors. Please see section 3.5.6, “Powering your Receiver on Multirotors" for
additional info.

Three types of receiver inputs are supported with the Vector:

Traditional (parallel): each of the relevant harness connections needs to be connected to the appropriate
output port on the receiver. See section 3.5.7 below for information on connecting the receiver harness inputs
to your receiver.

Serial PPM (SPPM) and S.BUS™ (serial modes): only the “Ail” connector of the receiver harness should be
connected to the SPPM or S.BUS™ output of your receiver. Your receiver’s outputs are programmed in the
Vector, as described later.

Note: Connect only the “Ail” wire to your receiver when using a serial mode. Never connect other wires from
the receiver harness to your receiver if you are using a serial mode!

To reduce wiring, if you use a serial mode you can use a needle or small probe to carefully pry up the

tabs of the other connections of the receiver harness, remove the unused wires, and save them for later use. Or,

just trim off the extra wires.