Top Flite TOPA0145 User Manual
Page 32

Make the right flap first, followed by the left flap.
❏ ❏ 4. Refer to the sketch above. Use medium or
thick CA to glue a 1/32" x 3/4"x 14-1/2" [0.8 x 19.1
x 369mm] plywood strip on top of a piece of 1/16"
[1.6mm] balsa sheet. Use a piece of leftover wing
sheeting for this. Trim the balsa to be the same size
as the plywood.
❏ ❏ 5. Sand 1/32" [0.8] from the balsa so that the total
thickness of the laminated piece is 1/16"[1.6mm]. This
laminated piece will become the flap trailing edge.
Sand a taper on the balsa/plywood trailing edge.
❏ ❏ 6. Make a skin for the bottom of the flap. The flap
skin will consist of the laminated flap TE, a new 1/16"
x 3" x 30" [1.6 x 76 x 762mm] balsa sheet and a piece
of 1/16" [1.6mm] sheeting that was left over from the
trimmed wing sheeting. Use the plan to cut the sheet
to the correct shape. Glue the three pieces together
as shown in the sketch with the ply facing down.
❏ ❏ 7. Locate flap ribs FR2-FR7 and a 1/4" x 3/8" x
24" [6.4 x 9.5 x 610mm] balsa stick.
❏ ❏ 8. Pin the balsa flap skin over the flap plan. Be
sure the plywood on the trailing edge is facing down
on the plan. Mark the location for the flap ribs on the
skin, using the tick marks on the flap plan.
❏ ❏ 9. Cut the 1/4" x 3/8" x 24" [6.4 x 9.5 x 610mm]
balsa stick to the length of the leading edge of the
flap skin shown on the plan. Glue the balsa stick and
flap ribs FR2- FR7 to the flap skin and the balsa
leading edge.
❏ ❏ 10. Cut the flap hinge blocks from 1/4" x 1/2" x
24" [6.4 x 12.7 x 610mm] balsa and glue them into
position as shown on the plan.
❏ ❏ 11. Drill 3/32" [2.4mm] holes in the hinge blocks
for the pivot point hinges. Do not glue the hinges in
place yet.
❏ ❏ 12.Test fit the flap to the trailing edge of the
wing. Make sure when the flap is in the up position
that it is resting on the wing ribs and that the flap ribs
fit the wing trailing edge. Check to make sure that the
flap has approximately 2" [51mm] of down travel.
The cross section view of the flap on the plan shows
how to shape the flap LE.
❏ ❏ 13. Position the flap and mark the hinge locations
on the trailing edge of the wing. Drill 3/32" [2.4mm]
holes for the hinges in wing trailing edge.
❏ ❏ 14. Test fit formers W2A and W7A in the
position shown on the plan. Trim the ends of the flap
to get a good fit of the flap between W2A and W7A.
When you are satisfied with the fit, glue W7A and
W2A into position on the wing TE.
❏ ❏ 15.Locate die-cut part FR3D. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm]
hole at the punch mark. Glue FR3D to FR3. Drill a 3/32"
[2.4mm] hole through FR3 at the hole in FR3D.