Top Flite TOPA0145 User Manual

Page 26

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punch marks in the two die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] plywood
Flap Bellcrank Plates. Assemble the bellcrank parts
as shown in the sketch (don't worry, there is no right
and left - you can't build them backwards). Put a drop
of 6-minute epoxy on the 4-40 blind nut and threads
to prevent the bellcrank from vibrating loose.

❏ 3. Punch out all of the die-cut 3/32" [2.4mm] balsa
Wing Ribs and the die-cut 1/8” ply Rib Doublers.
Smooth out any imperfections with sandpaper.

❏ 4. Locate wing ribs W-4, W-5, W-6 and plywood
doublers W4-R, W5-R, W6-R. Use 6-minute epoxy
to glue the ribs and doublers together. Be sure to
make a LEFT and a RIGHT of each rib assembly.

❏ 5. If you are going to be installing the retractable
landing gear, cut away the shaded area as shown in
the photograph. Do this for ribs W4, W5, and W6.

Build The Wing Panels

Reminder, as you are building the wings you are
building them upside-down.

❏ ❏ 1. Locate two of the basswood wing spars you
cut earlier, the die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] balsa spar web
and one set of wing ribs.

❏ ❏ 2. Test fit wing ribs W4 - W11 onto the die-cut 1/8"
[3.2mm] balsa spar web. DO NOT glue together yet.

Perform steps 3 and 4 only if you intend to install flaps.
(If you have never had flaps, this would be an excellent
plane to use them on. When flaps are deployed there
is very little ballooning and the plane slows very nicely
without tip stalling. We would recommend you take the
extra effort and put them on).

❏ ❏ 3. Slide the flap bellcrank mount into the slot in
W4. Be sure that the bellcrank is oriented as shown
on the plan and that it faces the top of the wing.

❏ ❏ 4. Put W3 in place on the balsa spar web and
slide the bellcrank mount into the slot in W3 as shown.

❏ ❏ 5. Put W2 in place on the balsa spar web.

❏ ❏ 6. Pin one of the 1/4" x 3/8" [6.4 x 9.5mm]
basswood wing spars on the plan, and then place the
rib and spar web assembly onto the spar.

❏ ❏ 7. Test fit the die-cut 1/8" [ 3.2mm] balsa inner
TE spar
and the die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] balsa outer
TE spar
onto the end of the ribs. Sand the spars
where they meet and make sure you get a good joint.
Make sure that when the ribs are positioned in the
spar slots they are contacting the top of the slot.
Take a close look down the trailing edge of the ribs
and be sure they are in line with one another.

❏ ❏ 8. Pin the inner and outer trailing edge spars to
the flat work surface.

❏ ❏ 9. Once you are satisfied that everything fits
well, glue the balsa spar web to the ribs and the
basswood spar with CA glue. It is important that the
glue joint between the basswood spar and the balsa
spar web is solid. Be sure you glue the ribs to both
TE spars.

❏ ❏ 10. Glue the remaining basswood spar in place
in the bottom rib slots.

Saturate the flap ribs with some thin CA. This will
prevent them from breaking off when you are
handling the wing during the building process.