Top Flite TOPA0145 User Manual
Page 27

❏ ❏ 11. Position W1 onto the spars. Locate the die-cut
1/8” dihedral gauge (DG). Use the gauge to set the
angle of W1 when it is fit into the spars. When you are
satisfied that everything fits well, glue W1 in place.
❏ ❏ 12. Glue W12 in position on the end of the
wing spars.
❏ ❏ 13. Now that all of the ribs have been glued in
place, glue the bellcrank mounting plate in position
with CA.
❏ ❏ 14. Bevel the front of the ribs at a slight angle to
achieve a good fit between the ribs and the tapered
leading edge.
❏ ❏ 15. Locate the tapered balsa leading edge and
position it over the plan. At the wing tip you will see the
leading edge has a pronounced curve. Cut four or five
V-notches on the back side of the leading edge to
help the balsa take on the curved shape. Wetting the
balsa with water will also help to bend the wood.
❏ ❏ 16. When you have the correct curvature, glue
the leading edge to the front of the ribs.
❏ ❏ 17. Glue the basswood servo bay rails into the
notches in W8 and W9 with 6-minute epoxy. These
should be cut from the 1/4" x 3/8" [6.4 x 9.5mm]
basswood stock that was leftover from the wing spars.
Complete Steps 18 - 22 only if you are installing the
fixed gear. If you are installing retracts skip ahead to:
Installing the retracts.
❏ ❏ 18. Locate the two 1/2" x 3/4" x 6-3/4" [12.7 x
19.1 x 171mm] grooved basswood landing gear
mounts and the 1/2" x 3/4"x 1" [12.7 x 19.1 x
25.4mm] maple fixed gear blocks.
❏ ❏ 19. Glue the maple fixed gear block to the
grooved landing gear block with 30-minute epoxy.
❏ ❏ 20. When the glue has cured, drill a 3/16"
[4.8mm] hole through the grooved block and the
maple block.
❏ ❏ 21. Glue the landing gear block assembly into
the slots in the wing with 30-minute epoxy. Be sure to
get a good bond between the maple block and W4.
❏ ❏ 22. Do not sheet the wing at this time. When it
is time to do the final wing sheeting, cut the sheeting
to fit the gear as shown in the photograph.