Potter PFC-6075 User Manual
Page 113

PFC-6075 • 5403593 • Rev C • 2/13
PSN-1000/PSN-1000(E) Operations
The PSN-1000/PSN-1000(e) operates as a fully integrated power expander. The input circuits and/or NAC circuits are configured
in the same manner as any input circuit or NAC circuit in the system. Circuit functions and zone assignments are defined using
the system software.
Status LEDs
The PSN-1000/PSN-1000(e)'s status LeDs communicate system conditions by illuminating and/or flashing the applicable green
or amber indicators. These are described in the table shown below.
PSN-1000/PSN-1000(E) Status LEDs
Table 23:
LED Type
LED Color/Action
AC Power
Steady Green
ON = AC present; OFF = AC not present
Low Battery
Steady/ Flashes
OFF = No Fault; Flashing = Low Battery conditions
ON = Battery Charger Failure
Note: The PSN-1000 transfers from AC to battery instantly upon AC failure or
brownout. The trouble relay on the panel will indicate the low AC condition after the
Low AC Report Delay has elapsed.
earth Fault
Flashing Amber
Indicates that an earth fault is detected.
1 Flash Green
Flash indicates successful communication with the NAC control board.
Bulk Comm.
Flashing Green
Flash indicates successful communication with the bulk supply board.
RPTR Comm.
Flashing Green
Indicates when P-Link repeater communications are occurring.
Main Comm.
Flashing Green
Flash indicates when P-Link commands are received from the control panel.