Change your main greeting via the voicemail menu, Edit the display name via the voicemail menu, Phone call options – Sharp AQUOS Crystal User Manual
Page 44: Screen auto-locking during a call, In-call options, Screen auto-locking during a, Call, For details

Phone Calls
Change Your Main Greeting via the Voicemail Menu
Your main greeting can be changed directly via the Visual Voicemail system. This direct access
saves you from having to navigate within the voicemail menu.
1. From home, touch
> Voicemail
2. Touch
> Settings > Personalize voicemail.
3. Touch OK to connect to the voicemail system. Follow the prompts to change your current
Edit the Display Name via the Voicemail Menu
From your Visual Voicemail menu, you can quickly change the name or number attached to your
voice messages.
1. From home, touch
> Voicemail
2. Touch
> Settings > Display name.
3. Touch the existing identification field and enter a new identifying name or number (used to
identify you to recipients of your voice messages).
4. Touch OK to save your information.
Phone Call Options
Your Phone application provides many useful features and options to help you make the most of
your calling experience.
Screen Auto-Locking During a Call
Your phone’s screen automatically locks during a call to prevent unexpected touch screen operation.
To operate the screen, unlock the screen as follows:
Drag the Unlock slider down in the locked screen. The in-call screen appears.
In-call Options
While you’re on a call, you will see a number of onscreen options. Touch an option to select it.