Using configuration files, Saving a configuration file, Loading a configuration file – Comtrol ES7510-XT User Manual

Page 28: Using, Configuration files

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28 - Using Configuration Files

RocketLinx ES7510-XT User Guide: 2000571

Rev. D

Using PortVision DX


Enter the IP Address for the ES7510-XT. It
is not necessary to enter the Subnet Mask
and Default Gateway


Click Ok to close the Add New Device
window. It may take a few moments to save
the ES7510-XT.


If necessary, click Refresh for the new
RocketLinx to display in the Device Tree or
Device List panes. The RocketLinx shows
OFF-LINE if it is not connected to the local
network or if an incorrect IP address was

Using Configuration Files

If you are deploying multiple ES7510-XT switches that share common firmware values, you can save the
configuration file (.dc) from the Main screen in PortVision DX and load that configuration onto other ES7510-
XT switches.

Saving a Configuration File

Use this procedure to save a configuration file.


Highlight the ES7510-XT in the Device List pane and use one of the following methods:

Click the Save button.

Right-click and then click Configuration > Save.


Browse to the location you want to save the file, enter a file name, and click Save.


Click Ok to close the Save Configuration Completed message.

Loading a Configuration File

Use the following procedure to load a previously saved a ES7510-XT configuration file. Load a configuration
file and apply it to a selected ES7510-XT switch or switches from the Device List pane.

Use this procedure to load a configuration file using the Device List pane to one or more ES7510-XT switches.


Highlight the device or devices in the Device List pane and use one of the following methods:

Click the Load button

Right-click and then click Configuration > Load


Click Yes to the warning that it will take 25 seconds per device and it may also reboot the devices.


Browse to the location of the configuration file, click the file name (.dc) and then Open.


Close the Load Configuration popup message.