Checkline TI-UMX2 User Manual

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3.4 Menu structure

menu options in an effort to keep the gauge as simple to operate as possible. The
diagram below illustrates the entire menu structure of the TI-UMX2:

IMPorTanT CoMMenTs:

1. Depending on the transducer identified by the TI-UMX2, only the menu options

applicable to that specific transducer will appear. Therefore, it’s important to note
that the menus displayed are dynamic and may not be consistent if different types of
transducer are interchanged.

2. Again, depending on the transducer identified, the modes applicable for that specific

probe type will be enabled and displayed. Dual element transducers have mode
options of P-E, PECT, or E-E. While the single element membrane transducer
options will only use our special TCG (time corrected gain) triple echo mode
(E-E-E), and all three modes listed above will be deactivated and not displayed.

3. If the MEMOFF has been activated, the data logging section of the gauge will be

temporarily turned off. This would be deactivated only if the user does not intend
to store measurements in the TI-UMX2. As a result, MEMOFF will become the first
from the menu options, as they pertain only to the data storage facility
of the TI-UMX2.

3. If a custom material type has not been uploaded into the TI-UMX2, it will not

appear in the MATL subdirectory.

identified by the TI-UMX2. The objective is to eliminate those items from the menu
of TI-UMX2 will be further explained in later section of this manual.

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13.0 uPGradInG THe fIrMWare

13.1 Introduction to firmware

Firmware is the actual software, in the TI-UMX2 itself, that controls the functionality of
the gauge. A benefit of the TI-UMX2, is the ability to upgrade the firmware from your
desktop. When changes are made to the firmware, to add features or fix bugs, it can be
downloaded from our website and programmed from a remote location. This offers our
users additional support capability, as the gauge does not have to be sent back to our
facility to be upgraded. In this section, we’ll provide the necessary steps to program
your TI-UMX2.

noTe: The sections that follow, assume that the firmware file has been downloaded
TI-UMX2 and all accessory cables are at your disposal.

13.2 Connecting to a PC

is connecting to a PC to flash program the TI-UMX2. There are 2 cables included with
the TI-UMX2 kit; LEMO to 9 pin serial and 9 PIN serial to USB.


the serial port number must be known. The actual port reference can be obtained in the
device manager of a Windows® based operating system.


Both the LEMO to 9 pin serial and 9 pin serial to USB can be connected together
to use the serial to USB converter configuration. This option requires that a driver is
installed for the USB cable. The driver will automatically be loaded when DataComm
folder on your desktop. This folder is created by DataComm when installed.

The following procedure outlines the steps for connecting and programming the
TI-UMX2 with the latest firmware, as follows:

Connect & Program

1. Remove the bottom end cap of the TI-UMX2, in order to

access the LEMO data jack. Remove the rubber plug from
the data jack.

2. Plug the LEMO connector into the data jack. Note: align the

red pin on the connector with the data jack.