4 troubleshooting – Cleveland Range inverter User Manual

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Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting & Maintenance


6.4 Troubleshooting


Check Point

The motor does

not rotate

1) Main circuit inspection

Input (line) voltage normal? (LED charge lamp on?)

Motor connected correctly?

2) Input signal inspection

Input signal to inverter functioning?

Forward and reverse signals inputted simultaneously to inverter?

Inverter receiving command input frequency signal?

3) Parameter setting inspection

Reverse prevention (FU1-03) function set?

Operation mode (FU1-01) set correctly?

Command frequency set to 0?

4) Load inspection

Load too large, or motor restrained. (Mechanical Brake)

5) Other

Alarm displayed on keypad, or alarm LED lit? (STOP LED blinking?)

The motor rotates

in opposite


Phase sequence of output terminal U, V and W correct?

Starting signal (Forward/Reverse) connected correctly?

The difference

between the

rotating speed and

the reference is

too big

Reference frequency verified? (Check the level of input signal)

Following parameter setting verified?

Lower Limit Frequency (FU1-24), Upper Limit Frequency (FU1-25), Analog Frequency Gain (I/O-


External noise? (Use a shielded wire)

The inverter does

not accelerate or


Acceleration/Deceleration time too short.

Load too large?

Torque Boost (FU1-27, 28) value too high? (Current limit function and the stall prevention

function verified?)

The motor current

is too high

Load too large?

Torque Boost Value (manual) too high?

The rotating
speed does not


Upper Limit Frequency (FU1-25) value correct?

Load too large?

Torque Boost (FU1-27, 28) value too high? Is Stall prevention function (FU1-59, 60) verified?

The rotating

speed oscillates

when the inverter

is operating.

1) Load inspection

Load oscillating?

2) Input signal inspection

Reference frequency signal oscillating?

3) Other

Wiring too long? (Over 500m, 1,500ft)