Figure 7-6. dynamic arp table screen, 8 license manager, License manager – CANOGA PERKINS 9145E10G NID Software Version 1.0 User Manual

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9145E10G NID Software User’s Manual

License Manager


Figure 7-6. Dynamic ARP Table Screen

7.8 License Manager


If you are attempting to enable a disabled license, contact Canoga
Perkins for a license key. Be sure to have the Feature name and
9145E10G Serial number available.

The License Manager screen allows the user to enable and disable the optional licenses avail-
able for the 9145E10G.

From the Utilities menu, type 8 and press Enter. The License Manager screen (Figure 7-7.)
opens. Type E to enable or D to disable licenses. The first license entry will be highlighted. Use
the Space Bar to cycle through the available licenses. Press Enter to enable or disable a
license. Press Esc to return to the Utilities menu.

Canoga Perkins Corp. Ethernet Network Interface Device 04-JAN-2010
9145E10G-527-2-0 V01.00 F31 01:45:14
--------------------------------DYNAMIC ARP TABLE-------------Display 0 - 0 of 0

IP Address MAC Address Port IP Address MAC Address Port
--------------- ----------------- ---- -------------- ----------------- ---- 45-54-25-88-74-22 User 68-63-22-19-76-55 Ext 44-52-44-23-76-98 Mgmt 67-76-65-56-45-54 User 46-57-55-81-73-21 User

Select [(F)irst, (N)ext, (P)rev, (L)ast, (D)elete, Delete (A)ll]:
