2 oam max pdu size, 3 oam revision, 4 oam functions – CANOGA PERKINS 9145E10G NID Software Version 1.0 User Manual

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Link OAM

9145E10G NID Software User’s Manual

OAM Control


4. Active Send Local - This value is used by active mode devices and reflects the OAM

entity actively trying to discover whether the peer has OAM capability but has not yet
made that determination.

5. Send Local And Remote - Reflects that the local OA entity has discovered the peer but

has not yet accepted or rejected the configuration of the peer. The local device can, for
whatever reason, decide that the peer device is unacceptable and decline OAM peering.

6. Peering Locally rejected - This message appears when the local OAM entity rejects the

peer OAM entity.

7. Send Local and remote OK - This state shows that the OAM peering is allowed by the

local device.

8. OAM peering Remotely Rejected - This state show that the remote OAM entity rejects

the peering.

9. Operational - Indicate that local and remote OAM entities have accepted the peeing.

And OAM is up and running.

10.1.2 OAM Max PDU Size

This is the maximum OAM PDU size that the 9145E10G will support. If the OAM maxi-
mum PDU size is different between the 9145E10G and its peers, the smaller of the two
maximum OAMPDU sizes will be used between the peers.

10.1.3 OAM Revision

The revision number increments every time there is a change in the OAM configuration of the
9145E10G. The change in revision number will trigger the peer to re-evaluate whether OAM
peering is allowed. OAM Revision is incremented whenever OAM Mode is changed from Active
to Passive and Passive to Active.

10.1.4 OAM Functions

The following list all the feunction that are supported by the OAM implementation. Peer
supported function are also communicated via the OAM protocol and could be viewed
from teh OAM peer screen . The following Link OAM functions are supported in the
9145E10G R1.0 software.


On the 9145E10G, unidirectional mode is always supported

1. Unidirectional - Indicates that the 9145E10G supports the transmission of OAM PDU in

unidirectional mode.

2. LoopBack - Indicates that the 9145E10G can initiate and respond to loopback com-
