BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 99

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Rev 2 Oct/2002

KMD 150 Pilot's Guide


All you need to input is your cruising speed and your fuel burn. Fuel
burn is entered in units / hour. The units are not important. If you fill
your aircraft tanks using US gallons, enter your fuel flow in US gallons /

On entry to Screen 60,
the cursor will be posi-
tioned over the flight plan
number. Default speed
will be 120 knots or that
last set. Default
flow/hour will be 6.0 or
that last set. Moving the
joystick up and down
alters the flight plan
number. Moving the joy-
stick right moves the
cursor down to the leg
selection. Moving the joy-
stick left moves the cursor
up to the flow and speed settings.

When using this function for the first time, move the cursor up to SPEED
and set the cruise speed of your aircraft. Move the cursor down to
FLOW/HR and set the fuel flow per hour for your aircraft. These settings
will be permanently stored for later use.

Next move the cursor down and select the flight plan you want to perform
the calculations for, then move the cursor down again and scroll through
the legs of your chosen Flight Plan.

As you scroll through the flight plan, the seven calculated fields in the
lower part of the Screen will be updated. The four values grouped
together (DIS, BRG, ETE and REQ) are the DIS (Leg Distance), BRG
(Initial Track, True), ETE (Leg Time) and REQ (Fuel required for Leg) for
the leg displayed.

The three values grouped in the center of the screen (FPLN DIS, ETE
and REQ) are the DIS (Total flight plan distance), ETE (Total flight plan
time) and REQ (Total fuel required, no reserve) for the flight plan dis-

E6-B Calculator

Screen 60: Trip / Fuel Flight Plan Select
