BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 129

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The illustrations in this guide are only examples. Never use your
WX-500 to attempt to penetrate a thunderstorm. The FAA Advisory
Circular, Subject: Thunderstorms, and the Airman's Information
Manual (AIM) recommend that you "avoid by at least 20 miles any
thunderstorm identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo."


There are several atmospheric phenomena other than nearby thunder-
storms that can cause isolated discharge points in the strike display
mode. Clusters of two or more discharge points in the strike display
mode however do indicate thunderstorm activity when they reappear
after clearing the screen. Avoid the clusters and you'll avoid the thunder-
storms. In the cell display mode, even a single discharge point may rep-
resent thunderstorm activity and should be avoided.

The KMD 150 is not certified to Technical Standard Order C110a. Actual
depiction of lightning data presented on the KMD 150 may be less than
that measured by the WX-500.


The following examples are designed to help you relate the patterns of
+'s or x's on the Stormscope


screen to the size and location of thunder-

storms that may be near your aircraft.

A black and white grid in the examples represents the airspace around
your aircraft. (See Figure 13-4.) Each square in the grid represents a 100
by 100 nm area. A circle represents the area being monitored by your


system. Areas of gray or black indicate thunderstorms.

The darker the area, the greater the rate of electrical discharge activity.

Figure 13-4 - Airspace Diagram

Rev 3 Aug/2004

KMD 150 Pilot's Guide



