BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 70

Rev 2 Oct/2002
KMD 150 Pilot's Guide
When selecting a navaid, intersection or approach waypoint, check the
ICAO area code carefully since there are many duplicates present in the
database. Checking the area code will eliminate any ambiguity.
This Screen is accessed
by pressing FLIGHT
PLAN in Main Menu, fol-
lowed by EDIT FPLN
and Key 5 ,View Map, on
Screen 11, Flight Plan
Selection Screen.
Screen 19 is displayed
showing the starting
point of the selected
flight plan centered in
the middle of the display.
The legs and waypoints
are shown as in this illus-
The joystick can be used to move the pointer. The screen window can
be moved around the map by "bumping" the screen borders left, right,
up or down with the pointer. This feature allows you to enter waypoints
as a distance and bearing from the previous flight plan point.
To build a flight plan you simply point at the first item to be included in
the flight plan and press Key 2, ADD WPT (or Add Waypoint). This will
place an S (for Start) next to the waypoint. If no suitable data point or
user waypoint is available beneath the pointer, a new user waypoint
will be created; which can be name later by using Screen 9, Manual
User Waypoint Edit Screen.
Then move the pointer to the second item (or first waypoint) in the flight
plan and press Key 2, ADD WPT, again. This will place an E (for End)
next to the waypoint. To systematically create additional legs, draw a
line from the waypoint marked (E), with the pointer, to the next way-
point and press ADD WPT again. You will notice that the last point in
the flight plan will always be labeled (E). Once you have finished
building the flight plan press PREV PAGE, this will detach the pointer
from the flight plan.
If you wish to add a new waypoint to a flight plan which you have
stopped building (which is also the case if you are editing an existing
flight plan), whether it is at the start, the end or the middle of the flight
plan, you will need to highlight the appropriate point (i.e.: either the
start waypoint (S), the end waypoint (E) or the leg line in which you
Flight Planning Screens
Screen 19: View and Edit Flight Plans On
Map Screen