BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 93

Rev 2 Oct/2002
KMD 150 Pilot's Guide
desired magnetic track between the start waypoint and the destination
waypoint (i.e. magnetic bearing to waypoint if you were on track). On
entering NAV Mode or activating a new flight plan leg or a DIRECT TO,
the outer ring will show the desired track to the active waypoint.
A GPS TRACK bug that rotates with the aircraft's actual track, is posi-
tioned on the CDI outer ring. This indicates the actual magnetic track of
the aircraft. There is also included a conventional TO / FROM flag.
Flying with the pseudo CDI is very similar to flying with a conventional
VOR indicator. Off track error (XTE) is represented by a bar that moves
left or right of center. The center of the scale represents the aircraft's
position. As with a conventional CDI or VOR indicator, to correct your
track error, fly towards the bar. The full scale deflection or scale of the
CDI can be selected on Screen 23, NAV Mode Customization Screen.
In order to gain, and remain on the desired track, adjust your aircraft
heading until the CDI bar is centered. Once the CDI bar is in the center
of the display indicating no cross track error (XTE), adjust your aircraft
heading in small increments until the track bug, which rotates around the
outer ring, is at the top of the display.
Once the CDI is centered and the track bug is aligned at the top of the
display you are flying precisely along your desired track. If the track bug
is aligned at the top of the display but the CDI bar is not centered, this
indicates you are flying parallel to your desired track by however far the
XTE is indicating.
The TO / FROM flag will normally point up to indicate you are flying TO
the waypoint. When you pass your destination waypoint, the TO /
FROM flag will point down to indicate you have passed the waypoint and
you are now flying away FROM your destination. As you pass your way-
point and the FROM flag appears, the desired track ring will remain fixed
at the original desired track and the CDI will continue to show track error
left or right of the extended leg line.
If, while enroute to a destination you decide that you would like to
approach that destination point from an angle other than that displayed
on the CDI by the desired track ring, you can alter the desired track set-
ting by pushing the INC OBS (increment OBS) or DEC OBS (decrement
OBS) Keys. This feature is not available in EXT GPS mode.
This has the effect of rotating your desired track ring and hence rotating
the desired track line on the map screen using the destination point as a
pivot. For example if you were approaching an airport from the south
west on an inbound heading of 070° but the runway in use at that airport
was 09, it may be desirable to approach the airport on a heading of 090°
so that you were lined up for the approach.
By pressing the INC OBS Key you would increment the desired track
setting from 070° to 090°. The CDI would then show a fly left indication
because you would be off track to the right from your new track line. By
Map Mode with Nav Information