BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 91

Rev 4 Apr/2005
KMD 150 Pilot's Guide
and less than 90°. If the course change is less than 5° then turn antici-
pation is not necessary. If the course change is greater than 90° it is up
to the pilot which way round the waypoint he turns.
If Turn Anticipation is set to ON and the upcoming leg satisfies the Turn
Anticipation rules (i.e. course change >5° or <90°), the Turn Anticipation
function is activated. If Turn Anticipation is switched OFF or the
upcoming leg course change is >90°, you may get a STEEP TURN
warning. The Steep Turn warning will be given if the upcoming turn will
involve a bank angle in excess of 25° based on current ground speed.
This Screen appears
whenever the next way-
point is the last in the cur-
rent flight plan. When the
distance to run to the last
WPT falls below the
Arrival Alarm value, the
[WPT ALERT] flag is
shown and the internal
and external alarms (if
switched on) beep at a
rate of 2Hz for 5 sec-
The label for Key 1
changes to NAV OFF and
that for Key 5 changes to
ALARM OFF. If you press Key 5 the audible alarm is silenced. The
alarm will switch itself off automatically after 5 seconds, then after a fur-
ther 2 seconds the label for Key 5 will revert to DIRECT TO (or DIRECT
TO OFF if in DIRECT TO mode).
If you are in Flight Plan Mode when Key 1 is pressed, NAV Mode is can-
celled and Screen 38 is called. If you are in DIRECT TO mode when
Key 5 is pressed, DIRECT TO Mode is cancelled and Screen 38 will
appear. If you are in DIRECT TO Mode with an underlying flight plan still
active when you press Key 5, DIRECT TO Mode will be cancelled and
Screen 47 will reappear with the original flight plan reinstated.
As the last WPT is passed, the flag will change to [WPT PASSED].
Map Mode with Nav Information
Screen 49: NAV Information and WPT
ALERT Flags Showing - Final Screen