BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 88

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Rev 4 Apr/2005

KMD 150 Pilot's Guide

will see DIS. This is the distance or range to run to the destination point
from your present position. This distance figure is given in whichever
units you selected on Screen 22, Map Customization Screen. In the left
center of the screen at the top you can read BRG. This is the magnetic
heading to steer (assuming no wind) to the next waypoint.

To the right of BRG at the top of the map is the ETE. This gives the
Estimated Time Enroute (i.e. the estimated time in hours and minutes)
that it will take you to get to the destination point from your present posi-
tion assuming you maintain your present ground speed.

On the KMD 150 unit only, at the top right of the map is the ETA. This is
the Estimated Time of Arrival at the next waypoint. Ensure you have
set the local time offset correctly to get correct ETA's
. Refer to the
GPS Status Screens Section of this manual for more details. (The
reason that ETA is not available when in External GPS mode is that,
depending on the type of GPS receiver in use, real time and local time
offset is not always known.)

In the left center of the screen at the bottom is TRK. This is the actual
magnetic track the aircraft is traveling over the ground. By comparing
this with your magnetic heading you can make an estimate of the cross-
wind component.

To the right of TRK is GS. This is the actual ground speed of the aircraft
and is displayed in Knots if you set the map units to nautical miles on
Screen 22, Map Customization Screen, MPH if you set them to statute
miles or KPH if the map units are set to kilometers. By comparing the GS
with your TAS you can make an estimate of the head or tail wind compo-
nent. Alternatively refer to Screen 58, Density Altitude, True Air Speed,
and Winds Aloft Screen in the E6B Calculator Screens Section of this

If ground speed is less than 3 Kt., the map will revert to North Up even if
Track Up is selected. This is to stop the map rotating when static due to
the effects of SA (Selective Availability, see Appendix 3 for further details
of SA).

If you have entered this Screen 47 by activating a flight plan, a DIRECT
TO can be performed on top of the flight plan. You can initiate the
DIRECT TO either to a point within the current active flight plan, an item
from the database, by using the joystick pointer or by calling up one of
the 10 nearest airports or navaids. In each case Key 5's label will change
to "DIRECT TO OFF". The flight plan that was previously active will fall
into the background and will be replaced by the DIRECT TO information.
When the DIRECT TO destination is reached or whenever you press the
DIRECT TO OFF Key (Key 5), the flight plan and its information will be

Map Mode with Nav Information