BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 17

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Rev 4 Apr/2005

KMD 150 Pilot's Guide


Data List: an ordered list of data elements which a given cursor field
can accept

Desired Track: The angle that the desired flight path makes with
respect to true north at the point nearest the present position. Magnetic
desired track uses the local magnetic variation.

Destination: If the active waypoint is not in the active flight plan, the
active waypoint is the destination. If the active waypoint is in the active
flight plan, the final waypoint in the flight plan is the destination.

Distance To Waypoint (DIS): distance from the present position to the
active waypoint

Enroute Safe Altitude: the highest minimum safe altitude which will be
encountered for a given flight path (present position to destination, via
flight plan if appropriate; or a flight path being analyzed by trip planning)

Ground Speed: absolute value of the rate of change of position

Headwind: difference between true airspeed and ground speed when
true airspeed is more than ground speed

Knots: Nautical Miles/hr

Minimum Safe Altitude: Minimum safe altitude is the highest minimum
off route altitude for any sector within a 10 nm square centered at a given
position. A minimum off route altitude of 7000 feet or less clears all
known obstructions and terrain in a sector by 1000 feet; a minimum off
route altitude greater than 7000 feet clears all terrain by 2000 feet. A
sector is an area bounded by a 1° latitude/longitude grid.

Scrolling Region: a set of consecutive cursor fields which display a
portion of a scroll list; “scroll up” means that the data item in each cursor
field in the scrolling region moves to the preceding cursor field. The data
item in the first cursor field disappears from the page, and the last cursor
field displays the next item in the scroll list; “scroll down” is the opposite.
If there is other data associated with the data in the cursor fields (such as
user waypoint numbers in flight plans), it also moves.

Selected Course: The angle that the desired flight path makes with
respect to true north at the active waypoint. Magnetic selected course
uses the magnetic variation at the active waypoint; if the active waypoint
is a VOR, the magnetic variation stored for that VOR is used.

Special Use Airspace: any of the following: prohibited area, restricted
area, warning area, alert area, MOA, Class CARSA, Class BTCA,
unknown, danger, caution, training, CTA, or TMA type.

Standard Rate Turn: 3°/sec

Tailwind: difference between ground speed and true airspeed when
ground speed is more than true airspeed
