BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 122

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Rev 3 Aug/2004

KMD 150 Pilot's Guide

d) All electrical discharges radiate electromagnetic signals in all direc-
tions at the speed of light. The electromagnetic signals have unique
characteristics and varying rates of recurrence and signal strength.
Figure 13-3 shows that the rate of electrical discharges detected in an
area is directly related to the amount of convective wind shear turbu-
lence present. In fact, as convective wind shear increases, the rate of
electrical discharges increases at an increasing rate. This relationship
means that if you find the electrical discharges, you've found the wind

Figure 13-3 - Discharge Rate a Function of Wind Shear


All thunderstorms begin as cumulus clouds, build to an intense mature
stage, and finally dissipate. Each of these stages in the life of a thunder-
storm present a different set of dangers to aircraft. Your Stormscope


system maps all stages in the life of a thunderstorm so that you won't be
caught unaware by a thunderstorm that can build, mature, and dissipate
in as little as 20 minutes.

Cumulus Stage

The cumulus or beginning stage of a thunderstorm is usually precipita-
tion free. In this stage, the risks to an aircraft and its occupants include
strong vertical winds, severe turbulence, icing and convective wind


