BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 77

do is press Key 2, IDENT. The unit will beep out the correct ident (on its
internal speaker and on the external alarm, if this is switched on). You
can then compare this to the ident you are hearing over the radio to
verify that you are indeed tuned to the navaid you want.
To obtain DIRECT TO for the chosen Navaid (VOR or NDB) all you have
to do is press Key 5, labeled DIRECT TO. To return to the Map of
Screen 39 you should press Key 1, PREV PAGE. Alternatively, the unit
gives you 30 seconds to read what you require and then automatically
returns to Screen 39.
Pressing Key 5, DIRECT TO, in Map Mode when the joystick is not
active, can also access this Screen. Allowing you to call up the item of
interest from the either the VORs or NDBs database as if you were
selecting it for a DIRECT TO. If this Screen were entered this way Key
4, VIEW AREA, would be present allowing you to not only view the
appropriate navaid data but also look at its position on the map.
As explained previously,
you can access this Screen
from Screen 39 by placing
the joystick pointer over any
data icon that is not an air-
port, VOR or NDB and
pressing Key 4, MORE
INFO. All available infor-
mation concerning the
chosen data item is then
To obtain DIRECT TO for
the chosen item all you
have to do is press Key 5,
labeled DIRECT TO. To
return to the Map of Screen
39 you should press Key 1, PREV PAGE. Alternatively, the unit gives
you 30 seconds to read what you require and then automatically returns
to Screen 39.
In order to interrogate a piece of airspace in Map Mode, move the joy-
stick operated pointer and point at one of the airspace boundaries. After
you have released the joystick, the software will search the airspace
database and after a short time will re-draw the piece of airspace to
which you have pointed in a bolder line with a basic information tag
Rev 2 Oct/2002
KMD 150 Pilot's Guide
Map Mode Screens
Screen 40C: Map Mode General
Information Screen