BendixKing KMD 150 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 64

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Rev 2 Oct/2002

KMD 150 Pilot's Guide

New user waypoints can be created wherever the pointer is placed
simply by pressing Key 2, ENTER WPT. Existing user waypoints can be
deleted by positioning the pointer directly over them and then pressing
Key 5, DELETE WPT. Should you attempt to delete a user waypoint
that is being used in a stored Flight Plan, the [PRESENT IN FLIGHT
PLAN] message box will be displayed and the user waypoint will NOT be
deleted. Pressing Key 5, DELETE WPT, a second time will then delete
the user waypoint. Alternatively, moving the joystick while the [PRE-
SENT IN FLIGHT PLAN] message box is displayed shall result in can-
celling the delete command.

Each new user waypoint graphically created on the map will automati-
cally be given the next available user waypoint number as a temporary
name and the default icon but you can alter the name and icon later by
using Screen 9, Manual User Waypoint Edit Screen.


Whenever you select a
user waypoint number
between 101 and 125 in
Screen 8, User Waypoint
Viewer Screen, Screen
8A, User Airport Edit
Screen, will be displayed.
This is similar to Screen
8 but contains data entry
fields where you can
enter and store additional
information about the air-
port's main runway and


The flight plan function
allows you to store up to
99 flight plans, as
explained earlier in this
section. These flight
plans can be recalled
from memory and flown
in Map Navigation Mode.
You can choose to use
as waypoints any way-
points from the built-in

Flight Planning Screens

Screen 8A: User Airport Edit Screen

Screen 11: Flight Plan Selection Screen