Kx1 options – Elecraft KX1 Manual User Manual

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KX1 Options

30-Meter Module (KXB30)

The KXB30 adds 30 meter coverage to the KX1, and also greatly
increases receive sensitivity in the 5.9-6.4 MHz SWL segment (with
40 m selected). 30 meters is an excellent band for day and night
operation and is popular with QRPers. Being a WARC band, it is off-
limits for contests, and is thus a haven for those not interested in
contest operation. WWV or WWVH provide universal coordinated
time announcements at 10.000 MHz, and many AM broadcast stations
can be heard in the 9-10 MHz band.
The B30 menu entry must be set to ON to use the 30-m band.

30 and 80-Meter Module (KXB3080)

The KXB3080 adds both 30 meter and 80 meter coverage to the KX1.
Like the KXB30, the KXB3080 also greatly increases receive
sensitivity in the 5.9-6.4 MHz SWL segment (with 40 m selected).
When 80 m is selected, the tuning range is increased from 1.0 to 5.5
The B80 menu entry must be set to ON to enable both the 30 m and
80m bands when the KXB3080 module is installed.

Plug-In Keyer Paddle (KXPD1)

The KXPD1 paddle offers a rugged, lightweight alternative to
traditional keyer paddles or hand keys. It plugs directly into the front
of the KX1, and is ergonomically designed for operating comfort. The
KXPD1 is retained by a thumb screw to prevent movement during
keying, and can quickly be reversed for left- or right-handed operation.

Automatic Antenna Tuner (KXAT1)

With the KXAT1 internal automatic antenna tuner installed, you can
connect unbalanced, random-length antennas directly to the KX1. (An
inexpensive home-made balun can be used with balanced lines.) In
many cases the ATU will provide a 2:1 or better match on all bands.
Once you've tuned up an antenna, the tuner's L and C settings will be
recalled instantly when the band is changed.

The KXAT1 provides SWR and power information for the KX1
display in TUNE mode. Also, during normal keying it provides an
indication of power output on the LED bargraph (1 bar per 0.5 watts).
Without the ATU installed, the KX1 displays tun in TUNE mode and
1 bar during keying.