Controls and display – Elecraft KX1 Manual User Manual

Page 64

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Controls and Display

Power Switch

Set POWER ON to turn on the KX1. If the LED display is too dim,




, or


at power-up. This selects maximum

LED brightness and also turns on audible CW switch feedback at 10,
20, or 30 WPM respectively (see page 69).

Lamp Switch

Set LAMP ON to turn on the lamp at the front-left edge of the KX1.
The lamp can be used to illuminate a log book placed in front of the
KX1, or as a flashlight. In an emergency it can be used for visible
signaling. The white LED used is extremely efficient. Its current
requirement varies with supply voltage, from about 5 mA at 7 V to 15
mA at 14 V. You can substitute a red LED if desired.

LED Display

The 3-digit LED display shows the operating frequency, S-meter or
power output bargraph, menu entries, etc. Brightness and ‘on-time’ are
programmable (see LED, page 65). You can also use audible CW
switch feedback in addition to the display (page 67).

Brightness: The display is most useful in low to moderate lighting
situations, where it requires only about 1-3 mA total current. Brighter
settings are also available that require up to 10 mA. If the display is
too dim when the KX1 is first turned on, you can quickly select
maximum brightness, and simultaneously enable CW feedback on
switch press, by holding one of the three pushbutton switches when
the KX1 is turned on (see Power Switch, above).

Decimal Points: The decimal point shifts to indicate the VFO tuning
rate, and is flashed when RIT is enabled.

Bargraph: In S-meter mode, the bargraph indicates received signal
strength (see SIG, page 65). On transmit, it shows 1 bar per 0.5 W
output if the ATU is installed, and 1 bar otherwise.

VFO Knob/Tuning Rate Switch

This control adjusts the VFO frequency, RIT offset (


, next page),

keyer speed (


, next page), and is also used in the menu (page

66). Tapping the knob selects 100-Hz or 10-Hz VFO steps. Holding it
for 0.5 seconds selects 1 kHz or 5 kHz VFO steps, depending on the
receive mode (page 66). It is also used in along with other switches to
activate certain advanced features.

Transmit frequency ranges: The KX1 transmits only in the ham
bands (7.0-7.3, 10.10-10.15, and 14.0-14.35 MHz). Transmit will be
prevented once you move a few kHz outside of each band, and you'll
see END flashed on the display.


RF GAIN: Sets the receive RF gain. Normally set fully clockwise, but
can be rotated counter-clockwise to attenuate strong signals.

FILTER: Adjusts the receive crystal filter bandwidth over a range of
about 300 to 2000 Hz. Narrow-bandwidth settings can be used to
reduce interference from nearby signals when copying CW. Wider
bandwidth settings are useful for copying SSB and AM.

AF GAIN: Sets the receive audio output level. The sidetone volume
can be set higher or lower in relation to receiver audio using the STL
menu entry (page 65).

POWER LEVEL (R4 - internal): This trimmer potentiometer is
accessible through a hole in the bottom cover, and can be set using a
small tuning tool or flat-blade screwdriver.


For best performance, keep R4 set fully clockwise, unless

you must reduce power to conserve battery life. This control
should not be adjusted frequently; trimmer potentiometers have a
finite life (100-200 rotations).