Elecraft KX1 Manual User Manual

Page 19

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Turn the board face up so KX1 is in the upper left corner. Locate

the printed outlines for diodes D2 and D3 near the center of the left
edge of the board.

Locate diodes D2 and D3 (1N5817). Note that there is a band on

one end of the diode body.


All diodes MUST be installed with the banded end of the

diode over the band on the circuit board.

Install the following diodes:

_ D2 (1N5817)

_ D3 (1N5817)

With the board face up (KX1 in the upper left corner) position the

28-pin socket in the space provided for U1 in the lower left quadrant
of the board. The outline has (SOCKET) inside of it.


DO NOT TRIM the 28-pin socket pins before or after

soldering. These pins are hollow and form the lower part of the
socket for the IC pins.


Do not substitute a different socket for the one provided.

The very low profile of the supplied socket is required for the case
to fit together during final assembly.

Orient the socket so the notch at one end is toward the left edge of

the board, aligned with the notch in the printed outline.

Hold the socket against the circuit board and tack-solder pins at

opposite corners of the socket.


Do not overheat the socket pins. Too much heat will melt

the plastic socket. Use only enough solder to make a good joint.

Check to ensure that the socket is pressed against the circuit board

at both ends. If necessary, reheat the pins at each end and press down
on the socket so it rests directly against the board.

Solder all 28 pins. Double-check your work and inspect each pin.

Use a magnifier if necessary. If a pin is missed or poorly soldered, it
may make contact during initial testing, but become intermittent later.
Such intermittents can be very difficult to troubleshoot. Remember;
do not trim the socket pins!