Detex DTX-4300 User Manual
Page 80

4.4.6 Timed
The Timed Anti-Passback function is enabled by de-
fault. It lets you specify a length of time that must pass
before the same prox card can be processed after being
presented. The feature is included so that the card
must be outside of the prox read field during the entire
period of time. If the card is reintroduced into the field
prior to expiration of the time delay, the time delay
restarts with a full duration.
Presenting a different card (not necessarily a pro-
grammed card) causes the new card data to be proc-
essed immediately and also clears the Anti-Passback
timer so that the first card presented now get processed
again immediately.
This feature is selected through option 30 # 16 #; the
duration of the time delay is set through parameter
32 # 8 #. The duration of the time delay can be set
from ½ second to 60 seconds in ¼ second increments.
Disabling the Timed Anti-Passback function provides
another feature that controls how often ANY prox card
is processed. When option 30 # 16 # is disabled, the
value in parameter 32 # 8 # indicates how often a card
will be processed. Please note that the prox read func-
tion continues to attempt a card READ every 100 mil-
liseconds, but a valid card read is only PROCESSED
after the specified time delay elapses.
Also note that this function does not require the card
to leave the read field. In fact one of the main uses of
this feature is to adjust the processing rate of cards that
remain in the field. Now you can extend the processing
time to stop this type of unwanted toggling. All that
must be done is to extend the value in command
32 #3 #.
Chapter 4: Programming
4.4 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b
Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1