Detex DTX-4300 User Manual

Page 55

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4.1.1.B Supervisor Code (User Location #2)

The Supervisor code is a special code stored in user
location two. This code has limited access to Program
mode, including commands:

Adding/Deleting Users (commands #50, #51,
#52, #53, #57, and #58)

Enabling/Disabling Users (command #56)

Changing Lock Output Time (command #11)

Changing Keypad Platform Parameters 5 and 6
(command #32)

By default, user location two is empty, which means
that if you need a Supervisor code, you must program
one. To program a Supervisor code, press:

2 # new supervisor code *
new supervisor code *
(example, 2 # 5678 * 5678 *)

To enter Program mode using the Supervisor code,

99 # supervisor code *

4.1.1.C Master Code and Supervisor Code
Special Features

The following is list of items that pertain only to the
Master and Supervisor codes:

The Master and Supervisor codes can only be pro-
grammed as standard user types

The Master and Supervisor codes can be pro-
grammed as “card AND code” or “card OR code”

The Master and Supervisor codes cannot be pro-
grammed as “card only.”

4.1 Programming Overview

Chapter 4: Programming

prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b


Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1