Detex DTX-4300 User Manual
Page 65

4.2.3 Batch Load
Cards by Presentation
Command 53 provides a simple method of program-
ming a group of consecutive users by presenting the
appropriate prox cards. This method of programming
cards does not require any knowledge of the prox card
format as long as it contains 39 bits or less of data.
The format of the command is as follows:
53 # user type # start location # * *
present cards one after another
The card loading stops automatically once the current
user location exceeds 2000. Pressing any key on the
faceplate aborts the loading process.
All users programmed through this command are
setup as “Card Only” users. Any existing card or key-
pad data for that user is erased prior to programming
the new data. Entering the Master or Supervisor user
as the first card in the sequence generates an error
because the Master or Supervisor code cannot be pro-
grammed as a “Card Only” user.
If an existing card is presented, a programming error
is generated. You clear the error condition by pressing
the [*] (asterisk) and continue presenting cards. This
is the only case where pressing a key on the faceplate
does not abort the card programming sequence.
4.2 Programming Users
Chapter 4: Programming
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b
Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1