3 performing power supply integrity test – Detex DTX-4300 User Manual
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5.3 Performing
Power Supply
Integrity Test
This test confirms whether or not the power source is
providing sufficient amperage to support all the equip-
ment. It indicates whether or not a stable electrical
environment exists by revealing fluctuating voltages
during operations. A fluctuation in voltage exists when
the equipment draws more amperage than the power
supply offers.
As the prox.pad plus unit cycles the equipment ON
and OFF, power must remain constant. If a voltage
fluctuation of one-quarter volt or more occurs during
testing, in either the positive or negative direction, the
test results indicates a “fail” response. If the voltage
retains proper amplitude (remains constant), the test
indicates a “pass” response.
Set the meter to read voltage and place meter
probes on the red and black wires of P1, located
on the prox.pad plus unit. You may have to ref-
erence Figure 2-2 for details. If the prox.pad plus
unit consists of two parts, a reader and a controller,
the terminals are located on the controller.
The voltage reading is monitored throughout the
entire test.
With power being applied to the entire prox.pad
plus unit, enter a valid code on the prox.pad plus
keypad. The REX input can be used in place of a
valid code; the test results remain the same. Ref-
erence the keypad circuits diagram for REX input,
located in Chapter 2 of this manual.
Observe the meter as the keypad cycles the system
ON and OFF. The voltage should remain constant
during this operation, indicating that the electrical
system is stable and adequate.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
5.3 Performing Power Supply Integrity Test
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b
Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1