Detex DTX-4300 User Manual
Page 29

2.4.3 Performing a
Secure Installation
In this configuration, the prox.pad plus prox sensor
housing is removed from the keypad/controller and
located a maximum of 10 feet away. The controller/key-
pad is located inside a secure area.
Remove the antenna from the prox.pad plus key-
pad/controller as described below:
Disconnect the backplate of the prox.pad plus unit
from the front keypad/controller.
When handling the main printed circuit board, to
guard against possible static discharges, touch a
grounded object BEFORE touching the prox.pad
plus unit. Remove the main printed circuit board
by pressing the two spring tabs in the direction of
the arrows as shown in Figure 2-5. Be careful with
the wires.
Pull on the main circuit board and remove Pin
connector P4 (a 4-pin connector) from the bottom
of the main board. A ribbon cable now holds the
main board to the keypad board. DO NOT pull
this ribbon cable out of its connector! Once the
main board is removed, you can access the interior
of the antenna.
Remove the antenna housing from the key-
pad/controller by pressing the labeled four secure
tabs inward (see Figure 2-5) until the sensor hous-
ing “pops out.”
Prepare the wiring and extension wiring as fol-
Cut off the plastic end of the prox.pad plus sensor
housing harness.
Splice the recommended remote antenna cable
Alpha 1174C (22AWG), 10-foot maximum length,
to the properly cut antenna cable using standard
electrical techniques.
2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit
Chapter 2: Installation
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b
Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1