Detex DTX-4300 User Manual
Page 110

programming users, 4-8 - 4-16
prox.pad default settings, 4-4
prox.pad led indicators/sounder
operations, 4-5 - 4-6
prox.pad plus user types, 4-9
quick program feature, 4-11
resetting the master code and system
defaults only, 4-6
selecting transaction log information,
setting forced door output time, 4-19
setting propped door output time,
supervisor code (user #2), 4-3
time/date set, 4-25
timed anti-passback, 4-28
timezone/holiday features, 4-22
turning audio keypress feedback
on/off, 4-26
turning visual led/keypress indicator
on/off, 4-25
user lockout option, 4-20
using the printing features, 4-30 -
Programming a Transaction Dump
Code, 4-32
Programming Card ONLY Use, 4-12
Programming Code and Card
Options, 4-8
Programming Code AND Card Use,
Programming Code ONLY Use, 4-11
Programming Code OR Card, 4-12
Programming Commands, 4-35 - 4-41
Programming from the Keypad, 4-2
Programming Keypad Options and
Parameters, 4-20 - 4-29
Programming Overview, 4-2 - 4-7
Programming User Data, Command
50, Full Format, 4-10
Programming User Types, 4-9
Programming Users, 4-8 - 4-16
prox.pad Default Settings, 4-4
prox.pad LED Indicators/Sounder
Operations, 4-5 - 4-6
prox.pad Operation, 1-6 - 1-9
prox.pad Pin Connectors, 2-5
prox.pad plus Communications, 3-13
prox.pad plus Specifications, 1-7 - 1-9
prox.pad plus User Types, 4-9
Quick Program Feature, 4-11
Reproduction Disclaimer, 1-1
Request to Exit (REX) Switch, 3-9
Resetting the Master Code and
System Defaults Only, 4-6
REX feature, 3-9
REX input, 5-6
RF Interference, 2-2
RMA Policy, 6-2
Safety Warnings and Cautions, 1-1
Selecting Transaction Log
Information, 4-30
Setting Forced Door Output Time,
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b
Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1