Local profile setup menu fields – Carrier Access 770-0015 AM User Manual
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IP Router - Release 1.8
Profile Directory: Local Profile
LAN (Local) Profile Setup
Local Profile Setup Menu Fields
Profile Setup for (LocalUnit)
The (LocalUnit) is the default name for this unit and will be used during the authentication
process to ensure this unit’s identity. This name can easily by changed by simply typing over
the "LocalUnit" and saving when closing this window. This name can be up to 11 characters.
This column includes three protocol options, IP, IPX and Other. These protocols are used to
define Frame Types and LAN Network Updates to be used by this IP Router.
Frame Types
Define the frame type of the packets that are sent and received by the IP Router. If a packet is
received formatted in a frame type that has not been enabled, the IP Router will not accept the
Note that multiple frame types may be supported simultaneously for IPX and Other protocols.
When selected (X) this IP router may send and receive packets that match the 802.2 format. The
802.2 format complies with IEEE specifications.
Eth II
When selected (X) this IP Router may send and receive packets that match the Ethernet II format.
Note that the IP protocol commonly uses this format.
When selected (X) this IP Router may send and receive packets that match the SNAP (Subnet
Network Address Protocol) format.
When selected (X) this IP Router may send and receive packets that match Novell’s X802.3 format.
LAN Network Updates
Use the LAN Network Updates field to determine whether the Local (LAN) unit will learn, via
RIP and SAP packets, which networks and services are attached to the local LAN, and whether
Remote (WAN) networks and services will be advertised to the LAN. If this information is
learned, it may be advertised to remote devices if advertising is established. Use the
to select from the following options: