To split a route, To delete marks and waypoints, To edit a route – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
Page 95: Appending waypoints

9 - Using Nav Objects
To Split a Route
You can split a route into two separate routes using the Split Route command. You
may decide to divide some long routes into smaller routes or incorporate alternate
routes to the same destination. The route must contain more than two marks in
order to split it.
To split a Route:
Right-click on the segment of the route you would like to split.
Select Split from the Route Context Menu. The route will split into two routes.
To Delete Marks and Waypoints
You can delete individual marks and waypoints from a route. Marks and waypoints
then renumber sequentially. To prevent accidental data loss, you will be asked to
confirm each deletion. (This feature can be disabled from System Menu | Tools/
Settings | Options | Misc.). Jeppesen Workboat Navigator does not have an
Undo command. Deletions are immediate and permanent. If you delete a waypoint
that results in its route containing just one waypoint, the entire route will be deleted.
To delete a mark or waypoint, right-click on it and choose Delete from the Waypoint
Context Menu, or press
. Make sure to select only the waypoint, NOT the
entire route
To Edit a Route
There are two methods to edit existing routes:
Appending to a route will add waypoints to the beginning or end.
Inserting waypoints to the middle of a route.
To add new waypoints, access the Route Context Menu by right-clicking
on a Route - make sure to click on the route leg, not the individual waypoint.
Appending Waypoints
Appending to the end of a route means adding new waypoints to its beginning or
end. The first Waypoint of a route is automatically numbered 001. New waypoints
are added by default to the highest numbered waypoint, which is typically at the end
of a route.
Right-click on any segment of the route between two waypoints - be sure to
right-click on the route, not the waypoint.
Choose Append Waypoint from the Route Context Menu.
The cursor will change into the Route tool.
As you move the cursor to the next position, a line is drawn from the previous
waypoint to the cursor, and range / bearing text is displayed next to the cursor.
Left-click the mouse button on the next waypoint position.
Continue clicking until the route is completed.
Double-click or right-click on the last waypoint location or press
to end the