5 - chart management, Charts and data, Types of charts – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

Page 43: Professional+ charts and navdata, Chart scales, Layers, Chart tool tips

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5 - Chart Management

Charts and Data

Types of Charts

VECTOR CHARTS are multi-layered, easy to read adjustable layout charts. Jeppesen
Workboat Navigator includes Professional+ Charts and vector chart layers.
RASTER CHARTS are exact copies of paper charts with text embedded in the
image. Re-sizing or rotating raster charts may result in text and scale distortion.

Professional+ Charts and NavData


Jeppesen Workboat Navigator comes with vector charts, planning and overview
raster charts, supplemental River Distance Markers and much more. This
combination of charts and data is collectively called NavData



NavData is copyright protected and can only be accessed if you have purchased a
license and received a Product Security Key (also called an “eToken”).
NavData is subdivided into regions for purchase and subscription purposes. Each
region is unlocked using a License File provided when the subscription begins. The
License File validates chart and data subscriptions.

Chart Scales

Chart scales are expressed as a percentage of original chart size, or to scale.
You may zoom in or out either as a percentage of the area or in something called
Apparent Scale (AS). AS is the scale visible at a given zoom level. For example,
if a chart you are viewing at 100% has a natural scale of 1:10,000, AS remains
1:10,000 because your view is a 1:1 ratio. If you zoom out to 50%, AS becomes
1:20,000 because the screen is now double the mapped area.


The Layers function controls objects you wish to display or hide on the Chart
window pane. Turning layers on can help you navigate the chart more easily in
cases where more information is needed; turning layers off can free the chart of
extraneous information that hinders you from easily making navigation choices.

Soundings. A check-mark in this box displays depth soundings on the chart.
Use with caution.
Nav Aids (Lights). A check-mark in this box displays all lights, buoys, and
markers on the chart.
Land Features. A check-mark in this box displays features such as bridges,
towers, city outlines, buildings, etc.
Text. A check-mark in this box displays text describing chart objects.
Other Features. A check-mark in this box displays navigation and other chart
information such as channel names.
Nav Objects. A check-mark in this box displays any user-created objects you
may have created, such as marks, routes, etc. from the chart.
Outlines. This setting cycles the display of outlines On or Off.
Compass. This setting cycles the display of a Compass Indicator On or Off.

Chart Tool Tips

When you move your mouse over the Chart, a Tool Tip, displaying the current Lat/
Lon appears. When you move your cursor over a Chart Layer object, such as a
land feature, a Tool Tip with the Chart object attribute appears.
Tool Tip information is a smaller piece of the information that is displayed for that
Chart Layer object in the SysInfo Properties panel for that Chart.