Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

Page 125

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12 - Radar Management

Adjusting the Radar Heading Line Rotation
It is not always possible to install a radar so that the front of the radar is exactly
parallel with the boat’s keel line or center line. The Radar Heading Line adjustment
can compensate for this discrepancy.
This process allows you to align the radar transceiver with the center line of the
boat, and only needs to be set once.
This is a different function than aligning your heading sensor, so please verify that you
are adjusting the radar’s physical heading line to match the center line of your boat.


You must have a heading sensor connected to your computer.

Without a heading sensor, Jeppesen Workboat Navigator cannot align the
image correctly onto the chart for radar overlay.

Although you may attempt to make the Radar Heading Line Rotation alignment
using visual verification, it is far more reliable to perform this function using the
radar overlay feature.
To adjust Radar Heading Line Rotation:

Open Jeppesen Workboat Navigator to a Radar window pane
Select Properties | Initial Setup from the Radar Context menu.
Use the Radar Heading Line Rotation up and down arrows or slider bar to line
up the image


Radar Heading Line Rotation is a one-time setup. Heading line

rotation should only be offset by +/- 10 degrees maximum . Once this setting
is correct, it should not require adjustment. Alignment issues while underway
are typically a function of compass deviation challenges.

Radar Presets

This utility allows you to set up radar image video reference and threshold settings.

Open Jeppesen Workboat Navigator to a Radar window pane
Select Properties | Radar Presets from the Radar Context menu to open the
InSight Box Radar Presets window.


The IR2-BB operates in Slave mode. Tuning settings are not available.

Figure 12.6 – InSight Box Radar Presets

