Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide


The cumulative effect of wind and
current on the distance along the drift
line of the boat.
See Speed Over Ground.
Sonar (SOund Navigation And
The usage of ultrasonic pulses to detect
submersed objects by their reflection.
A Sounder uses ultrasonic pulses to
detect the distance to the sea floor,
calculating the time interval between
signal transmission and the detected
reflected signal.
Speed Over Ground (SOG)
SOG is the actual, fixed, geographic
speed of a boat over the earth’s surface.
It is essentially the Speed Over Water
plus the cumulative effect of
wind and current.
In nautical terminology, a target is
generally an obstacle or object in or near
the water to avoid for the purpose of
safe navigation.
Target Threat
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator is
capable of detecting targets that are too
close to your boat. When you establish a
boundary around your boat, a target that
encroaches that boundary is considered
a Target Threat.
See Time to Closest Point of Approach.
Time to Closest Point of Approach
This is the time remaining until the
closest point of approach of a target.
An on-screen and/or logged record of a
boat’s previous movements.
Time To Go (TTG)
The amount of time estimated until the
boat reaches an active mark, assuming
no intervening change in course or
speed. Displayed in hours and minutes.

Time To Passing (TTP)
The calculated amount of time until your
boat passes a selected target, provided
boat continues on selected Route.
True Wind Direction
See Relative Wind Direction.
True Wind Speed
See Relative Wind Speed.
See Time To Go.
United States Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE)
The USACE is responsible for
investigating, developing and
maintaining national water and related
environmental resources. USACE is also
a provider of inland waterway charts.
United States Coast Guard (USCG)
A part of the Department of
Transportation, the Coast Guard
enforces federal laws related to
smuggling, boat safety, port security,
spillage, pollution, and other marine
environmental protection issues.
The Coast Guard also maintains
ships and other boats, aircraft, and
communications facilities for search and
rescue missions. USCG maintains a
network of aids to navigation; including
lighthouses, buoys, icebreakers, and
radio devices.
Variable Range Marker (VRM)
Term describing a circle around the
boat. When enabled, the VRM can be
manually manipulated to change the
Also known as Magnetic Variation and
Declination. The angular difference
in direction between true North and
magnetic North.
Vector Chart
A chart where chart information is stored
in terms of points, lines and polygons.
NCX, TX-97 and S-57 charts are vector
chart formats.
View Manager
Screen layout tool that allows you to
determine which hardware products
and features of Jeppesen Workboat
Navigator you wish to display on-screen.

