To activate a mark or route, Automatic waypoint arrival (with xte), Automatic waypoint arrival (with xte) 86 – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
To Activate a Mark or Route
The first mark or waypoint of a route is automatically activated when that route
is activated, but you can also manually activate a different mark or waypoint. To
activate a different mark or waypoint, right-click on that mark or waypoint and select
Activate from the object’s Context Menu.
Automatic Waypoint Arrival (with XTE)
When you are within a certain distance of or perpendicular to the active leg, an
arrival message displays, and you are prompted to activate the next waypoint
on the route. You may configure the software to automatically activate the next
waypoint on a route without having this message appear.
You can also specify a Cross Track Error (XTE) radius in the same window.
To set up Automatic Waypoint Activation and a Cross Track Error:
Select System Menu | Tools/Settings | Options | Misc. from the main menu.
Ensure Yes is selected in the Automatically activate next WP upon WP arrival
Click the Waypoint Arrival and XTE Alarm Settings button to set the waypoint
arrival alarm and the cross track error distances that will be used when you
create new waypoints. This tool provides notification when your boat comes
within a specified distance from the next active waypoint and when it reaches the
distance specified for the cross track error. The values you specify in these fields
become the default values but you can also specify individual values for each
waypoint and mark.
If you need to change an existing waypoint’s arrival and XTE settings, use
the Waypoint’s properties panel.