Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide






Predicted Position. Use this drop-down menu to select the amount of time you
want represented by the COG vector and the boat outline. The following fields are
affected by this setting:

Show COG vector
Show With Boat Outline

Show COG Vector. The COG Vector is an arrow that extends from the GPS
transmitted position. Its length is determined by combining the SOG and predicted
position time. Predicted position time will be indicated by hash marks in one minute
intervals. The direction of the vector is based on the GPS position. Default setting
for this option is On.

COG vector

Boat outline

Figure 7.9 - COG Vector

Show With Boat Outline. Place a check-mark in this check box to display an
outline of the boat on the chart using the time entered in the predicted position.
The outline includes rate of turn and may indicate a different position than the COG
vector. The default setting is for this option is Off.
Show Port/Starboard extensions. This check box turns on or off the display of the
port and starboard side extension lines. Default setting for this option is Off.
Show VRM 1/VRM 2 with radius. The Variable Range Marker (VRM) is a range
ring or series of rings that surround the boat. VRM are normally used to measure
distances to targets.


The dashed line following the boat represents an active route.

You can display up to two VRM. VRM rings center around the transmitted GPS
position. Radius of each VRM ring is determined using Boat settings and GPS
position, and you can change them using the Presentation panel. When selected,
VRM distance units measure in feet and inches. You can drag the VRMs to change
their diameters in both the Radar and Chart window panes.
The default setting for both VRM 1 and 2 is Off.
The default radius for VRM 2 is 2640 feet, 0 inches (0.5 statute miles).
VRM 1 has 3 settings when selected:

Set to leading port head. When selected, this static field automatically defaults
to the distance from the GPS antenna position to the leading Port corner. You
cannot edit this field.
Set to leading stbd (starboard) head. When selected, this static field
automatically defaults to the distance from the GPS position to the leading
Starboard corner. You cannot edit this field.