The radar window pane – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide


Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide


Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide





The Radar Window Pane

The Radar window pane (see Figure 12.1) is used to view radar images within
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator. These images can be viewed in a multiple content
display (see Chapter 3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator - The View Manager),
or you can set up Radar to be viewed full-screen. Use the


Hot Key or System

Menu | Next View to scroll through multiple display types.

Figure 12.1 - Full Screen Radar Window Pane

Closing and Opening

You can close the Radar window pane or switch to another view configuration while
the radar is still in operation. If you are overlaying the radar image onto the Chart
window pane, the dedicated Radar window pane is not required to be visible.
As long as your Radar and IR2-BB are powered on and connected, radar data will
continue to transmit, even if you are not currently viewing it on-screen. Alarms will
still be triggered and targets will continue to be tracked by the radar, even without
an on-screen display.

Ghost Cursor

When in a Multiple window mode, one way to compare the electronic chart and the
radar is to use a function called Ghost Cursor. Ghost Cursor is enabled by selecting
Yes from System Menu | Tools/Settings | Options | Radar | Show Ghost Cursor.
To show the Ghost Cursor, move your cursor over the Radar or Chart window pane.
A “mimic” cursor will follow the primary cursor’s movements in the other window
pane in the same relative position. Ghost Cursor is particularly useful when trying to
understand more about certain radar targets. By hovering your cursor over the radar
target in question, you can see its exact location on the chart.