Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

Page 157

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This data conforms to the NMEA 0183
(3.01) specification.
See also NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000.
A combination of high-resolution,
detailed vector charts and a range of
region-specific supplemental navigation
data, proprietary to Jeppesen Marine.
NavData Permit/Unlock Code
NavData Permits unlock a NavData
region, Unlock Codes unlock
supplemental features.
Your eToken contains all current
NavData Permits and Unlock Codes.
See National Marine Electronics
NMEA 0183
NMEA 0183 defines the electrical
interface and data protocol for
communications between marine
instrumentation. Many times referred
to as “NMEA” in the context of marine
instrumentation communications.
NOAA (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration)
NOAA is a federal agency focused on
the conditions of the oceans and the
atmosphere. NOAA supplies navigation
chart information for the coastal U.S.
and the Great Lakes region.
To move the view window over the chart.
(Also called Scrolling.)
An individual, movable display of specific
Product Security Key
A hardware device used for the
purposes of securing software. Product
Security Keys connect to USB ports.
Product Security Key Serial Number
Similar to a Serial Number, a Product
Security Key Serial Number is a unique
number associated with each Jeppesen
Workboat Navigator installation.

RADAR (RAdio Distancing And
Microwave pulses used to detect
objects (usually metallic) based on wave
The distance between two specified
points, usually the boat and a mark.
Range to Cursor
The distance between the boat icon and
Raster Chart
Charts where the chart information is
stored as a rasterized image. Examples
are raster charts are Raster Plus (RPL),
BSB, and GeoTIFF. Rasters are the
scanned images of the original paper
Rate Of Turn (ROT)
The speed at which heading is changing.
Relative Wind Direction
On-board wind direction measurements
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator derives
True Wind Direction from Relative Wind
Direction by taking any bearing deviation
into account.
Relative Wind Speed
When the boat is in motion, on-board
wind speed measurements. True wind
speed is is derived from Relative Wind
Speed by taking the boat’s motion into
A feature used to output all incoming
NMEA data to other devices.
See Rate Of Turn.
Desired path of travel, created on a chart
or grid and consisting of starting, ending,
and any number of interim waypoints.
To move different parts of a long list
into view, using the arrow buttons or
scroll bar. Also, scroll is often used as a
synonym for pan.