Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
Page 103

10 - Data Manager
Searching Nav Objects
When viewing the Nav Objects Data collection, users can select the particular Nav
Object type to view in a list. After selecting “Nav Objects” from the Data Collection
portion of Data Manager in the upper left hand corner, select the appropriate Nav
Object type just below as shown here. Once the type is selected a list of all (Marks
in this case) available objects will appear at the right.
Figure 10.2 - Nav Object Search
Figure 10.2 shows a list of marks and the available options. From this list, users
have the following options:
Sorting – Users can sort on any column by simply clicking the column header.
An up or a down arrow will appear indicating a forward or reverse sort order on
the column.
Searching – The search toolbar at the bottom of the Nav Objects list allows
the user to type in part of a name or the entire name of a mark and the first
occurrence of that name will automatically be highlighted.
Hiding – The first column in the list of Nav Objects is the “Show” column which
defaults to selected. Users can hide individual Nav Objects by unselecting the
show box or they can click the “Hide All” button to hide ever object in the list.
Deleting – The delete button will delete the highlighted Nav Object.
Goto – The “Goto” feature will take the user to a chart with the highlighted mark
centered on the chart.