Nav objects – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Nav Objects
All current user-created objects can be viewed in the Nav Objects section of
Data Manager. There are many features available to the user in Data Manager
for manipulating Nav Objects. Not only can the properties of each Nav Object be
edited, but users can search for particular objects from all of the objects; use the
“Goto” function to center a chart on a Nav Object; and even Import and Export Nav
Objects from one Workboat Navigator installation to another.
The Nav Objects collection of Data Manager is further subdivided into the following
Past Tracks
Line Boundaries
Circle Boundaries
In each of these categories, users can search, sort, “Goto”, delete and edit the
properties of any listed Nav Object.
When you use the Goto feature for line boundaries. routes, and past tracks, you
must click the Points tab; then select a point or waypoint before you click the Goto
Select any of these objects to display all current objects of that type in the top half
of the Data Detail pane and properties for each object in the lower half.
Click on an object in the top half to display that object’s details below.
An object property that is grayed out means it cannot be edited.
The list of object properties is a complete list for all objects so some properties,
such as direction arrows for marks, will not be applicable even though it appears in
the list.