Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide







This panel provides the ability to define up to five estimated times of arrival for
active Waypoints in a Route or ETA to specific river mile marks. If you are currently
using an active route, an ETA sub-panel is available where you can specify
waypoints for ETA information.
If you are not using an active route and you have river mile data installed, a sub-
panel is available where you can specify the river, the river mile mark, and a speed
over ground to use as the destination or endpoint for the ETA.
Information in the ETA panel includes:

To: The river abbreviation and the river mile mark or Waypoint name you selected.

in—The time before you reach this waypoint appears. The format is day(s),
hour(s), minute(s).
miles—The distance in statute miles before you reach the waypoint or river
mile mark. Nautical miles and statue miles are used for ETAs of an active
route depending on the setting on the Units tab under System Menu |
but only statue miles are used in the river mile data ETAs.

To open the ETA windows for waypoints and river mile marks, click the down arrow
in the top right corner of this panel.


The ETA time and distance are calculated using the GPS location. If N/A

appears in the distance field, the point has been passed, it can no longer be
reached, or the boat is no longer close enough to the mile marks.

Figure 6.3 - ETA - Main Panel

ETA - No Active Route

This sub-panel is available if you are not using an active route and you have river
mile mark data loaded. To open this sub-panel, click the down arrow in the top right
corner of the ETA panel.

Figure 6.4 - ETA - No Active Route