6 - navinfo window pane – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
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6 - NavInfo Window Pane
The NavInfo window pane contains sensor data, such as GPS, Speed, Course, etc.
Data from those sensors is displayed in panels. These panels cannot be edited.
The NavInfo window pane can be laid out in several configurations. Use the arrow
buttons in the top, right-hand corner of the NavInfo window pane to cycle through
all possible layout configurations, or use the
Hot Key to cycle through those
will reverse cycle through NavInfo panel settings. The window pane
must have focus in order to cycel through the panels. When a window pane
has focus it has a yellow border.
The View Manager layout templates allow for quarter, half, or full screen NavInfo
window pane viewing. Each option displays data differently.
Available NavInfo Panels
Active WYPT (Lat/Lon)
The active Waypoint in the given route. This position is used to calculate various
data, such as ETA. Range and Bearing are calculated with respect to the boat.
BRG to Active WYPT
The Bearing, or direction, of the boat (based on GPS antenna position) to the active
BRG to Cursor
The direction of the boat’s motion, expressed in degrees, with a notation of True (T).
Due North corresponds to 0°, East to 90°, South to 180°, and West to 270°.
Course Over Ground. COG is the track, or direction, of the ship over the ground
and is based on detected position changes.
Figure 6.1 - NavInfo Window Pane - Standard Configuration