Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
Page 70

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Playback Sub-Panel
The purpose of this playback tool is to play back recently recorded data, providing
a great opportunity for after trip analysis. Playback files are saved with a date/time
stamp in one hour increments.
In order to save disk space on your system and to maximize
performance playback files are purged after a specific number of days has
passed since the recording date. The default setting for this time period is 61
To turn on Playback, select a Recording File from the drop-down list. This list
contains files that have voyage data extensions (*.voyagedata) located in C:\
Program Files\Jeppesen Marine\Workboat Navigator\VoyageData.
To share files between two computers, such as a boat and the main office, you
must copy the playback files from the VoyageData directory of the boat to the
VoyageData directory on the main office computer using a thumbnail device or
another file sharing method.
Once you have selected a file to play back, use the Playback controls to view
that file. Playback controls function like standard Audio/Video controls. Once
playback starts, the playback status bar will show playback progress from Begin
to End.
If you click anywhere on the status bar, playback will “jump” to that point in the file.
When you start the Playback of a file, the GPS panel in the NavInfo window
pane will indicate “Playback”.
You cannot use the Playback feature when you are receiving any NMEA
Figure 7.13 - Boat History Panel - Playback Sub-Panel