3 - setting up workboat navigator, Boat setup – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator

This chapter provides an overview of two of the basic tools used to set up Jeppesen
Workboat Navigator for use specific to your boat. There are other setup options
that are meant to be performed by a certified marine technician during installation
or update of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator. See the Jeppesen Workboat Navigator
Installer’s Guide for more technical setup information.

Boat Setup

The Boat Properties window (System Menu | Boat Properties) is where you set
up the boat displayed on-screen to match your current configuration. When you
open this window, the existing or default settings appear. Displayed Standard Boat
Properties cannot be edited using the Boat Properties window, but are configured
during system installation.
Standard Boat Properties include Boat Name/ID, Length, Width, Draft, Air Draft,
GPS Bow Offset and GPS Port Offset.

GPS Bow Offset is the distance from the bow of your boat to the location of the
GPS antenna.
GPS Port Offset is the distance from the port of your boat to the location of the
GPS antenna.


Refer to the Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Installer’s Guide or

contact your Workboat Navigator Deployment Specialist to make any
customized changes to your Standard Boat Properties.

From the Boat Properties window, click Edit Model to edit your boat configuration.

Boat Model Presentation

The Boat Model panel allows you to configure how the boat displays. For more
detail, see Boat Properties in this chapter. This panel is where you select the type
of Boat you are using.

The Use Boat Model drop-down list allows you to select from
a list of boat and tow layout configurations. If you are using
Workboat Navigator for coastal waters, select Standard Vessel
from the drop-down list (see Figure 3.1).

If you are using Workboat Navigator to tow barges during inland
navigation, you can use the following features to configure your tow

Click New Model... to create a new Tow Model.
Click Edit Model... to edit the Tow Model.
Model Name. Input a customized name for the current tow
configuration. The maximum is 64 characters.
Delete Model. Removes the selected Boat Model from the Use
Boat Model drop-down list. This is a permanent deletion and
cannot be undone.
Boat offset from Port. Input the distance from the port edge of
the tow to the port edge of the boat. Click


to redraw the

Boat Model graphic after you update the Boat offset from Port.
This tool is used for tow boat barge configuration.
Center Boat - Click to center the boat to the tow.


You cannot delete the Standard Vessel and Tow Boat Vessel from the

list. These will be used as the boat when you create a new model.


Figure 3.1 -

Standard Vessel