Naming conventions for targets, What is ais, Ais target settings – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
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13 - Target Tracking
Naming Conventions For Targets
When Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Software display targets information,
sometimes names are not yet associated with the target. AIS, for example,
transmits a target's positional information far more frequently than it sends the
name, cargo, and destination type info. Long names can become an on-screen
display problem. When target names are too long, Jeppesen Workboat Navigator
will abbreviate the AIS targets name to A1 or A2 (for example).
What Is AIS?
AIS equipment is an onboard broadcast and/or receiver system that functions like
a transponder, operating in the VHF maritime band, and capable of handling over
4,500 reports per minute and updates as frequently as every two seconds.
AIS received data, interfaced with Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Software, adds a
mark on-screen for every significant boat within radio range on your Radar window
pane and overlaid electronic charts. If the Target panel of the SysInfo window pane
is open, when you left-click on these marks, each target boat's velocity vector
(speed and heading), boat actual size, boat name, course and speed, classification,
call sign, registration number, and other information will display.
Maneuvering information, closest point of approach (CPA), time to closest point of
approach (TCPA) and other navigation information, more accurate and more timely
than information available from an automatic radar plotting aid, is also available to
boats equipped with an AIS receiver.
AIS Target Settings
Use the System Menu | Tools/Settings | Options | Targets Tab | AIS Target
Settings window to set up range and speed over ground filtering for AIS targets.
The settings only become applicable when you select the Filter check box in the All
Targets sub panel.
Show AIS Targets. Select this check box to display AIS Targets on the chart.
Do not display AIS Targets beyond the range of:. Select an option from the
drop-down menu and only targets inside that range will appear on the chart
when you select the Filter check box on the All Targets sub panel.
Filter AIS Targets when SOG less than:. Select this check box if you want to
exclude targets that meet your speed criteria. When you select this check box,
the edit field becomes active and you can enter the value you want to use as
the cutoff. Targets going slower than that speed are the ones that will be filtered.
This is limited to a specific range of .1 to 20 miles. Only targets inside that range
will appear on the chart when you select the Filter check box on the All Targets
sub panel.