Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide










Tow Model Window

Use the Tow Model window to configure or edit the Tow layout to
your current configuration. The more accurately you input your tow
data, the better Jeppesen Workboat Navigator will display the outline
of your boat shape on the chart.
The Tow Model graphic displayed is a to-scale illustration of the way
your tow is configured in Jeppesen Workboat Navigator. This graphic
is updated whenever you make changes to the configuration.
Layout is shown using rectangular barge graphics.

Barge List

The Barge List contains all current barge types available to add
to your tow configuration. Tow configuration is divided into "strings"
which are numbered sequentially from Port to Starboard.
Incremental adjustments to each Barge can be made by selecting an existing Barge
with your mouse and then using the Adjust Forward, Aft, Port and Starboard feet
and inches and radio buttons to the left of the graphic.

Once you have set up your Barge List, use the Refresh button to redraw the
Tow Model Graphic and verify that your changes have been incorporated.
To remove a Barge, click on the Barge and then click Remove Selected.
To clear the screen and start again, click Remove All.

Figure 3.2 - Tow Model Configuration