The tides & currents graph, Weekly view and daily table, Changing the date – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Workboat Navigator does not open the chart to the selected Tide or Current
station. Click OK when the message Unable to communicate with charting
application appears; then click the Chart button and Workboat Navigator centers
on the chart.
Location change: Change the location displayed in the window. If the window
you start with is a tide window, this feature lets you display tides for a new
location. If you start with a current window, the system displays currents for the
new location.
Tide define: Define a location for tidal height predictions that is not in the
furnished list of locations (create and edit custom tide locations).
Current define: Define a location for tidal current predictions that is not in the
furnished list of locations.
Notes: View the official NOAA and other General notes on the location you've
selected, or add your own User notes.
Table on/off: Display a tide or current table beside the graph.
Info on/off: This tool performs the following functions:
Adds a graphic and text showing the phase of the moon.
Adds a table showing times and values for slack water and maximum floods
and ebbs.
Adds a table of data about average maximum values of floods and ebbs for
the date.
Adds a table for daily tidal highs, lows and averages.
Weekly on/off: Display a second graph showing the tides or currents for a full
week in addition to the graph for date selected.
The Tides & Currents Graph
The yellow background represents daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). Mean Lower
Low Water (MLLW) and Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) or the Max Flood and
Ebb values are displayed on the right side of the graph. The crossing lines on the
graph show the corresponding time/height for tides or speed/direction for currents
combination. You can click anywhere in the graph to see a new time/height. The
graph will also show the Moon Phase and Moonset and Moonrise times as well as
the daily high and low values.
Weekly View and Daily Table
Two useful optional features on the graph are the Weekly View and the Daily Table.
The Weekly View appears on the top of the daily graph and shows an overall
picture of what the station looks like for an entire week. The Daily Table appears
on the right hand side of the screen and lists the time/height (for tides) and speed/
direction (for currents) values in fifteen minute intervals for the station you have
selected. These features are not on the graph by default but can be activated by
right-clicking anywhere on the graph and selecting them from the pop-up menu.
They can be permanently added by using the Tide & Currents Options menu.
Changing the Date
Once the graph is open, you can change the prediction date by clicking on the
PrevMnth, PrevDay, NextDay or NextMnth buttons on the ToolBar. To set a
specific date, click on the SetDate button.
To return to the current day, click SetDate and then click OK.