River ais – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide






River AIS

Click this button to display all the River AIS target information. River AIS targets
meet certain criteria that gives the system the ability to estimate where (Distance
to Passing or DTP) and when (Time to PassingTTP) your boat and the target are
going to pass.


The AIS target must be on a stretch of river that contains River Mile

mark data.

The River AIS sub-panel displays targets that meet one of the following criteria:

The target is within .5 miles of your vessel.
The target is assigned a passing plan.
The target is eligible for River AIS calculation, it is being calculated, and it
appears in this panel.

Only 10 targets will be displayed on this panel at any one time. If no targets are
within a .5 miles radius and no targets have a passing plan set, the closest 10 River
AIS targets will be calculated and displayed in this panel.
If you select a target that is eligible for River AIS calculation, it will be shown in
place of one of the other targets in this panel. If you assign a target with a passing
plan, it will always be displayed on this panel, even if it no longer meets River AIS
criteria, replacing one of the calculated targets. If a target comes within a .5 miles
radius of your boat, it will replace one of the River AIS targets being calculated.
It is possible to have 10 targets displayed in this panel and none of them being
calculated at one time, so use this panel cautiously. Fields in this panel include:

Name. This is based on the AIS reporting. If a target’s name is not available, the
target’s MMSI number will be shown.
SOG. The speed over ground based on the AIS reporting.
Target. The river abbreviation and the river mile mark of the target.
PP. The passing point’s river abbreviation and mile mark of the target.
DPP. The distance to the passing point.
TPP. The time to the passing point.
Plan. This is the selected passing plan to use for this target. If no passing plan is
selected, a question mark (?) appears. Any target can have a passing plan. Click
Here to see how to set up a passing plan.